MMU Runway 13-31 Update


Today Morristown Airport had several conference calls with the FAA Flight Procedures Division regarding runway 13-31 and its availability for night landings.  The current verbiage on three of our approach plates (ILS/LOC Rwy 23, RNAV Y RWY 23, RNAV Z RWY 23) state “13-31 NA during night landing.” This was modified from the original verbiage of “Circling to RWY 13-31 NA at night.” The change was made on a national level due to feedback from pilot groups and, per the FAA, both comments mean the same thing. Aircraft arriving utilizing instrument approaches to Runway 23 or 5 are not able to circle to land on runway 13-31. In order to land on 13-31, they must cancel their IFR approach and fly a VFR approach to 13-31. Any aircraft arriving VFR can land on 13-31 without restriction.


MMU has actively been working to address 20:1 obstructions off of the airport property that prohibit circling to land on runway 13-31. Should you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Darren S. Large A.A.E. at 973-538-6400 ext. 135